The Institute of Citizenship Studies (InCite) is a research center within the Geneva School of Social Science at the University of Geneva (UNIGE). InCite aims to promote research as well as other initiatives bearing on citizenship and on the social, political, and legal issues associated with it in all different aspects: formal, participatory, identitarian, and other.
Currently, four research groups exist within InCite and pursue activities on more specific aspects of citizenship: CitCare, on the policies of care; MultiCite, on political and moral questions relating to citizenship, democracy, and multiculturalism; PolCite, on forms of political participation and youth engagement; and PostCit, otherness, "race", and postcoloniality.
InCite replaced the Institute of social and political research (Resop) from January 1, 2014. The latter has been involved in a number of EU-funded projects (UNEMPOL, DEMOS, LOCALMULTIDEM, YOUNEX, EURISLAM, LIVEWHAT). InCite is currently coordinating the EURYKA project and participating in the POWER2YOUTH and TRANSSOL projects, all EU funded.
Marco Giugni
Professor Marco Giugni is the principal investigator for the Swiss team. He is the Director of InCite and a Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Geneva. He has directed and collaborated on a number of national and international research projects on topics relating to social movements and contentious politics, youth unemployment social exclusion, social and political participation, and multiculturalism and migration. He was scientific coordinator of the UNEMPOL project (EU FP5), coordinator of the YOUNEX AND LIVEWHAT project (EU FP7), and participated in the DEMOS and the LOCALMULTIDEM projects (EU FP6), as well as in the EURISLAM and POWER2YOUTH projects (EU FP7). He is currently the coordinator of the EURYKA project (EU H2020), which focuses on the relations between inequalities and young people's ways of doing politics. He is also participant in the TRANSSOL project (EU H2020), which focuses on transnational solidarity. Publications include 11 books, 14 edited collections, and about 145 articles and book chapters.
Maria Mexi
Dr. Maria M. Mexi is currently affiliated with the Institute of Citizenship Studies of the University of Geneva. She has completed postdoc research at the University of Geneva and she holds a Doctorate (DPhil) in Politics and International Relations and an MPhil in Political Theory from the University of Oxford, an MSc in European Social Policy with Distinction from the London School of Economics, and a BA in History with High Distinction from the American College of Greece. Dr Mexi has conducted research in the areas of European social policy, youth mobilization and solidarity forms in times of crisis, and she has developed and managed numerous research and technical assistance (including, capacity building) projects in collaboration with universities, international organizations, consulting agencies and NGOs. She also works as a consultant for international organizations in the area of social policy, while her current research interests fall within the areas of migration, social dialogue and the future of work. She is currently the Co-Coordinator of two SNIS-funded projects: “Gig Economy and its Implications for Social Dialogue and Workers' Protection” and “Social and Solidarity Economy, Urban Communities and the Protection of Vulnerable Groups”.